Video: 6 Ways to Spice-Up Ain’t No Sunshine

1 minute read

Hey all!

I recently started a new video series on my YouTube channel, where I take a guitar classic (that probably many of you have played before) and show how to put a bunch of twists on it – so that it’s not boring to play anymore.

(As “Ain’t No Sunshine” might be when you’re playing it in the standard, 3 campfire chords way)

I just uploaded another video to it, about 6 ways to make Ain’t No Sunshine a lot more fun. Here it is:

And also – here’s a link to the previous video in the series, about how to make “Country Roads” a lot more fun:

Cheers and have a great day. -Cooper

Alon Cooper

Alon Cooper

Hey! I'm Cooper, and I hope I can be a helpful friend on your musical journeys. I'm a music artist based in Austin & Amsterdam, playing venues with a band / solo, and trying to learn with the most inspiring musicians wherever I go. In the last 8 years I've lived in Australia, northern Europe, the US and more.

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The Guitar Campfire Songbook

I hope this list has given you some great ideas, and if you want to have another bunch of song ideas in a fancy PDF songbook form, then feel free to download the songbook in this link.

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